Tank Rangers of East Texas

One Team, One Goal,
Explore Our Story!

We are devoted RV enthusiasts who are determined to support the RV community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if your RV holding tanks need to be cleaned, if you’re experiencing bad odors, problems with your sensors, or have clogs. We can assist you with getting your RV clean again like new!

We were both born and raised here in East Texas and are graduates of Chapel Hill ISD(Tim) and Frankston ISD(Lindsey). I am an avid outdoorsman and enjoy hunting, fishing, and camping.  Lindsey enjoys traveling, going to the movies, and relaxing in the pool. Lindsey and I have been married for over 22 years, have two daughters, and one grandson. We enjoy going to the beach, swimming, and good seafood.

Email us at Tim.Line@Tankrangers.com or just give us a call 903-352-3316

We are dedicated to providing the best service possible, cleaning, and education on all aspects of the holding tanks. 

Tank Rangers Logo

Tank Rangers RV Tank cleaning service emphasizes innovation and technology at the core of our approach.

Tank Ranger Services

We are 100% mobile and ready to schedule a cleaning at your home or park.


  • Complete removal of waste build-up 
  • Removal / Prevention of odors and clogs 
  • Improved tank efficiency and longevity 


  • Removal of sediment and mineral deposits 
  • Assurance of safe and clean drinking water 
  • Elimination of harmful bacteria and contaminants

Greetings, this is Tim and Lindsey Line.

Tank Rangers of East Texas provides a completely 100% mobile RV tank cleaning service with a satisfaction guarantee.

Provide services for emergencies or regular cleaning maintenance of your RV Tanks. We can get your RV tanks back to factory clean!

If you need your RV’s holding tanks serviced and cleaned schedule a professional tank cleaning today!

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